

You can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. We also have an Additional Support page for those looking to reach out for support with online abuse and discrimination. 

What does the Internet Commission do?

We help digital organisations understand their impact on society and improve their trust and safety practices. Visit our About Us page for more information.

Where are we based?

Headquartered in Warrington, our team is based in London, Brussels, Amsterdam and São Paulo.

How are we funded?

The Internet Commission is part of the Trust Alliance Group which is a non-profit organisation.

What is the relationship between the Internet Commission and the Trust Alliance Group?

In 2022, the Internet Commission became a business unit of the Trust Alliance Group. As part of the group, we are working to build trust between Internet users and digital platforms. We’d be happy to discuss our work: please contact us here.

Are you available to provide consultation on content moderation for my organisation?

Our Accountability Report 2.0 offers insights into best practices in content moderation and digital responsibility. We’d be happy to discuss this and other topics further. To inquire about our work or any other subject, contact us here.

My company operates across the EU and in the UK – will the regulations introduced by the Online Safety Act and the Digital Services Act apply to me?

If your company is established in the UK and the EU, you may have new obligations under the Online Safety Act and/or the Digital Services Act, that do not always necessarily overlap. Details of the Online Safety Act are available at Ofcom’s website, and details of the Digital Services Act are available at the European Commission's website.

My company operates globally: can you help me to understand how evolving regulations will impact my business in specific countries?

We have a broad view of regulation, as many of our stakeholders operate globally. We would be keen to speak with you, please contact us here.

Want to learn more? We’re happy to help.